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Showing all 8 products
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Fiber Optic Coupling - Multimode-Singlemode, Duplex, Ceramic Sleeve, Plastic Flange, Rectangular, LC-LC, Beige
(4 variants)
The easy way to mate two LC connectors.
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À partir de :
€ 5,38
Singlemode Couplings
(4 variants)
Couple two single mode fiber connections
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À partir de :
€ 8,91
Adaptateur de fibre optique ST/SC Multimode Duplex/Simplex Bronze Rect
(1 variants)
Utilisez cet adaptateur pour relier vos jarretières multimodes.
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À partir de :
€ 8,91
Fiber Optic Adapter - Singlemode/Multimode, Simplex, Ceramic Sleeve, Metal Housing
(1 variants)
Use our ST-SC adapter to link your fiber optic cables with different connectors.
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À partir de :
€ 11,55
Fibre Optic Connectors
(2 variants)
More than a few ways to connect multimode and single-mode cabling
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À partir de :
€ 3,83
Fiber Optic In-Line Attenuators
(4 variants)
Buffers overpowering fiber signals and eliminates errors.
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À partir de :
€ 10,99
Fibre Splice Tray
(1 variants)
Terminate long fibre runs in this compact unit
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À partir de :
€ 6,11
MCII 1000 Card
(1 variants)
High-Density Media Conversion System II - 1000Mbps Ethernet Card for the Media Converter System II
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À partir de :
€ 726,00
Top 10 des produits
Extender KVM série KVX sur câble CATx - 4K, single head, DisplayPort, USB 2.0, série,audio, vidéo locale.
(2 variants)
Extension des signaux KVM jusqu’à 100 m par câble CATx.
Commutateur KVM - UHD 4K, double moniteur, HDMI/DisplayPort, USB 3.2 Gen 1, USB Type C, audio, 2 ports
(1 variants)
Commandez deux ordinateurs HDMI/DP à partir d’un seul clavier et une seule souris, avec un même kit audio et les périphériques USB les plus récents.
ServSwitch EC USB Server Cable
(3 variants)
For linking USB servers to your ServSwitch EC series KVM switches.
CX Series Server Access Module - VGA, USB or PS/2
(3 variants)
Connect USB servers to the ServSwitch CX, ServSwitch CX Uno, or the ServSwitch CX with IP.
CX Series KVM Switch Remote Unit - VGA, PS/2 Console
(5 variants)
User Station, Supports VGA and PS/2.
Wizard SRX Extender – VGA, USB 1.1, Stereo Audio
(2 variants)
Extend high-resolution VGA with transparent USB 1.1 and stereo audio up to 50 metres over a single CATx cable.
LRX KVM Extender - DVI, USB 2.0, serial, audio
(1 variants)
Long-distance extender transmits DVI-D, USB, serial, and audio over a single CATx cable up to 150m.
USB Laptop Console Crash Cart Adapter
(1 variants)
No KVM console in your server room? No problem. Plug a laptop into the server for quick BIOS-level control.
Wizard KVM Extender - VGA, USB, Audio, Dual-Access, CATx
(2 variants)
Extend VGA, USB 2.0, plus audio up to 300m (1000ft) over CATx.
EC VGA KVM Switch, PS2/USB-User &-CPUs, 4-/8-/16-Port
(3 variants)
Single user rackmount KVM switches for controlling 4x, 8x and 16x CPUs offering connectivity for PS2/USB/VGA user and CPUs.
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